Intellectual Property Committee

ieee This is an unofficial web page relating to the IEEE USA's Intellectual Property Committee. For official IEEE views and papers on Intellectual Property issues, check out the IEEE USA's Intellectual Property Committee web page. This is a picture of the wall plaque in the reception area as you first enter the IEEE USA's Washington DC office.

The committee has a sub-committee on the East Coast and another on the West Coast. I've put some pictures online which were taken during sub-committee meetings. Check them out...

ledley The big news announced at the July meeting of the IPC was that IPC member Robert Ledley has won the National Medal of Technology. The award will be made to him by President Clinton in the near future. Congratulations Bob! ! !

riddick When going to the IEEE USA's Washington DC office, you're greeted by Ms. Arnette Riddick. Having been to the DC office many times over the years I must say that even when I've walked in having had a bad day (or even a red-eye flight from the West Coast), her wonderful spirit is infectious.

Our committee is supported by IEEE USA staffer Scott Grayson. Scott provides excellent support for a few IEEE USA committees.


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